Through the years - a travel in time  2019 - 1999 

Orange Show Nationals - 6/18 - 6/22, 2019    196 cars

  TThis is how the track looked for opening ceremonies on 5/10/08

This is how the track looked for our National event in June 2019

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Orange Show Track Records

Class Time
Jr Novice - 6/7/19 6.182
Sr Novice 5.468
Jr Honda 5.434
Sr Honda - 6/7/19 5.020
Jr Animal - 6/7/19 5.213
Sr Animal 4.863
Hvy Animal 5.280
Lt 160 - 6/7/19 4.856
Hvy 160 4.968
Lt World Formula - 6/7/19 4.597
Hvy World Formula - 6/7/19 4.975
Jr Stock 5.010
"B" 5.023


Opening Ceremonies

ReRegion Parade - there are only a few QMA regions now

DDriver Introductions

Lots of spectators for the Driver Introductions
The big Orange Show Speedway is in the background

Bristol Venard - Sr Honda

Haley Venard - Hvy Honda, Hvy 160 & Sr Animal

Tyler "Tank" Chorney - represented Canada - Jr Half
(notice the Hockey Stick holding the flag)

Group picture of all the racers and QMA Officials
QMA did a really good job of running the race program!

Pits at the South End of the Track

This is where we normally pit on race day

Pits at the North End of the Track

This is in the Pits for the big Orange Show Speedway
This is where all the big Motor homes and Trailers were pitted.

First Car on the Track at Orange Show - 2008

When they first opened the track, 
there was a ribbon cutting ceremony
and Dean Thompson's car was the first car on the track.

A look back in time -

Dean Thompson at OSQMRA, 5/16/09

World's fastest Jr Stock,  5:19

Best Raffle Ever -

DDaisy Medina organized this raffle and went all out!

Biggest Raffle Ever -

And the Gift Boxes went On & On & -----

Now serving at the Snack Bar

Pulled Pork Sandwich with Potato Salad

The Snack Bar was really busy every day

Newest Members of the "4 Second Club"

Orange Show has the fastest track in the country and if you
can "turn left in less than 5 sec" you are in the "4 Second Club"

Pretty Car Award - there were 5 awards

And the Winner is -- Bristol Venard

And the Winner is -- Zachary Riehl, Hvy World Formula

Club Race - 6/1/2019

NoNovice Race on the Track - 7 New Drivers

Looking towards the pits

Staging Area - Getting ready

Waiting for the next race

Up & Coming Driver

Novice Drivers - All Winners



The WinterNationals in Las Vegas - 
40 years of racing and counting!

Hacienda Hotel --- (1983 - 1984) 2 races
Union Plaza --- (1985) 1 race
Showboat Hotel  (1986 - 1999)  14 races
Buffalo Bills, Primm ( 2000 - 2009) 10 races
"The Orleans" Hotel (2010-2014) 5 races
Rio Hotel (2015-2016) 2 races
Back to "The Orleans" (2017 - 2018 - 2019) 3 races
"The Orleans" 2020 - "The Race that never Happened"
"The Orleans" 2021 - back up and running again!
"The Orleans" 2022

They first held Quarter Midget races at the Hacienda Hotel way back when at Easter.  You would see cars on the way with Quarter Midgets tied to the roof.
They ran on one end of the Go-Kart track that was at the Hacienda. This is when Sleepy and Bobby Trip were racing Quarter Midgets. 

When they started racing Quarter Midgets again - it was also at the Hacienda but this time in December - first hosted by PVQMRA.
This only lasted for 2 years. There were no trailers then and racers were working on their motors in the motel rooms - so Hacienda said "no more!"

That is when the races moved to the Union Plaza, downtown Vegas. The Go-Karts ran on one side of the hotel and Quarter Midgets were on the other side

The following year, 1986, they started racing at the Showboat Hotel and the races were there until 2009
The Showboat had a whole lot of bowling alleys and this is where the kids spent a lot of time
They had qualifying at the Showboat and they even had a track record. 
One year, it rained and qualifying got started late. At 2:00AM in the morning a rep from the Hotel came out and told them to shut it down for the night. 
They hit a total of 200 cars for a couple of years at the end and this is all there was room for.

Pomona Valley QMRA hosted the 1st races from 1983 - 1992. In 1993 Madera took over the hosting and has been doing it ever since.

In 2000, the races moved to Buffalo Bills at Primm, Nevada
Here, the kids had an arcade to play at, a jungle cruise and the Roller Coaster - they even set records on how many consecutive rides they could do.
Buffalo Bills was out in middle of nowhere so there was lots of room to park. With car counts going up, qualifying was done away with.
In 2003 and 2005 record attendance was set at over 400 cars with cars coming from as far away as Connecticut and Pennsylvania.

In 2010, Buffalo Bills shut down for renovation so the race was moved again - this time to the Orleans Hotel in Las Vegas
The Orleans also had an arcade for the kids and a lot of theaters - so there was lots to do after the races.
For 4 years the track was located on the back parking lot behind the Arena.
In 2014, the Orleans wanted the back lot for the bulls used in their rodeo so the track was moved to the side parking lot - which was a lot nicer. 
At this race, attendance hit 308 cars and they even had Riprider races for the kids on Sat night after the Quarter Midget races. 
The Orleans told the club that they would need the side lot for rodeo parking in 2015 so the club would have to race during the week and be out by Friday.

So -  once again, the race was moved and in 2015 it was setup and ran at the Rio Hotel with a renewal of 3 more years.
This years attendance was at 302 cars and people are still coming from all over the country. 
Year 2016 - at the RIO again and the car count has climbed to 350 cars

       2017 - Once again we have moved back to "The Orleans" Hotel -- 325 cars 
       2018 - At "The Orleans" with a 371 car count - Wow we are heading back up again!
       2019 - At "The Orleans" -- 332 cars (held during Thanksgiving Week for the 1st time ever).
(They were having a Rodeo during the 1st week in Dec so the race was moved up one week)
2020 - "The Orleans"- the race was scheduled but cancelled at the last minute due to Covid.
       2021 - Back up and running again at "The Orleans" -- 303 entries
       2022   "The Orleans" -- 307 entries


WinterNationals at The Orleans hotel, Las Vegas  
11/28 - 12/2, 2018

Hosted by Good Times QMRA - 
Madera, CA

371 Entries - People & Cars Everywhere -- this is after the Pit Meeting

 Still some clouds in the sky today - but we are racing.

The Lunch Wagon was busy all week
Need that hot morning coffee

BBrian with Bristol Venard
Now - here is what you have to do!

Ryan and Haley - give it a little gas - this is the Sr Animal

Gary & Gary Howard, Julie & Bryan Zimmerman
They just keep coming back 

Bob & Sheri Wicker
Made the long trip here to see grand kids race.

Bet you didn't notice the dog 
Here is a close-up - just staying warm

Need to get the Stagger just right 

Last Minute Instructions

Patricia, Haley, Jacob, Nicole and Leslie
Ready to watch the races.

|Race Day - Not in the Hot Chute yet but getting closer - 

In the Hot Chute and ready to go -

Haley Venard - 4 years now at Vegas
Into the Sr Animal Main - Wow!

SOKOL - 8 cars racing - 8 cars into the Mains

Russell & Maverick Medina 
Both kids raced their way up through the heats 
but did not make the mains - even so - a lot of fun!

/Rudy and Jacob Magallanes
Into the Hvy Honda Main - 1st time here!

Greg Stevens with Christy and Connor
Had a ball and learned a lot - coming back!

WinterNationals at the Rio hotel, Las Vegas  12/1-4, 2016

Getting ready to go practice -- 

The whole track was surrounded by spectators

And we are racing --- 

LLeslie watching Haley Venard on the track

BrBryan Zimmerman and family

Tony Hoffman ready for a long day

G&G Racing Parts Trailer

Cars and Trailers from everywhere

More cars and more trailers 

WinterNationals at the Rio hotel, Las Vegas  12/2-6, 2015

Pit Carts and more Pit Carts - lining up for practice
Saw a lot of Tool Wagons this year too.

DaDale Hill was flagging again -- all day
Using the same walls as last year at the Orleans
Remember when they were just hay bales?

Wide open track was easy to drive
Even so - the racing was real intense

The Good Times Tower 
Remember the Old Days when the Tower was just an
open platform with hay bales and heaters

Some of the Vegas Skyline - 
New observation wheel opened Mar 30, 2014

TThe weather was great all week - in the 60's
Remember the times when it was only 30's-40's

The Orange Show bunch - a lot of good racers

Orange Show and the Rio Hotel in the background

Boomerang Racing - getting ready to race
First time for these cars and driver at the Winternationals

Tony Hoffman - watching the races by the flagman

Tony Hoffman and his mother Pat in turn 3-4

""Haulin" Haley Venard - number 1 and ready to go

WinterNationals at the Orleans hotel, Las Vegas  12/3-7, 2014

This year the track was moved so it was beside the Orleans Arena instead of behind it. There was a lot more room.

There was over 300 cars from all over the country - a real National event.

They had a new fence this year brought in by the hotel which saved the club a lot of time and money. In the past, the club has hauled in the fence in a big trailer, and then had to take it down and haul it back to California.

Dave watches a handler check his car during practice laps.

Lined up for practice on Thursday. It was a late start due to rain and they did a second practice on Friday morning. 

The bunch from Orange Show, California

Driven to Race

Lots of color

Dane & Chase Ostman with new car

The Las Vegas Skyline 

Dale Hill flagged all the practice & races

They widened the track this year and the kids had very few problems driving on it. 

The RipRider Races - Sat night after the car races - 2015

Selling raffle tickets for the RipRider races
Kids names were picked from a raffle jar

RipRider Sponsers - 24 in all
Each sponsor picked a ticket to see who was racing for them. That kid got to keep the Riprider after the races.

I picked the 1st ticket and it was Almon

Each handler & driver had to put the Riprider together. There were 2 heats of 12 each and then a main event with all 24 kids

Zane Almon & handler - 
which part goes where??

Kids lined up according to how fast they put the Riprider together. 

Lined up and ready to get the green flag

The race was for 6 laps around a course laid out in the center of the big track
The trick was to hold onto one of the back wheels so it could not spin around.

And the winner is -- Zane Almon

George & Tony, a moment in time, 5/25/2014

A Day with Ernie Bose - Costa Mesa, CA - 3/16/2013 

Ernie's Shop - just behind the house
He cleaned all the parts here before assembling
There was also a table for surfacing heads and 
the tops of the block. I spent a lot of time there. 

Tony Hoffman, Ernie and myself
We spent about 3 hours in his backyard just talking
His niece came by as did the Chief of Police for 
Costa Mesa - they came by every day to check.

Norma Wetherbee had called me and wanted to 
know if Ernie was still around. I called him and
he said - come on down but don't wait too long.

Norma was so glad to see him and she brought
all her books so he could sign them

The "Quarter Midget Challenge"
Years ago the schools had a book in their libraries
called the Quarter Midget Challenge. It was a story
about a girl and her Quarter Midget. That story was 
the real life story of Norma Wetherbee and her dad.

Ernie passed away on Monday, Sept 23, 2013 at the age of 92!

Another Great Picture - Orange Show Reunion - 9/8/2011
Norma Wetherbee, Sleepy Trip, George Goddard & JC Berg

Winternationals at the Orleans Hotel, Las Vegas -- Nov 28 - Dec 2, 2012

The Rice crowd - turn 4

Cars from here, cars from Canada

Dane & Chase Ostman

Lots & lots of spectators

Tim Boznich - on a stand this time and better protected

We are just off Tropicana Ave


Monroe, Washington - 2011

Pictures coming

West Coast Nationals
Portland, Oregon - 2012

The new skyline at the Winter Nationals
in down town Las Vegas - 2010

Just having fun on my I-Pad
at the Orange Show Banquet


Team Boomerang Wins big in Monza Series
Click on picture for more details

Quarter Midget Reunion at 
Orange Show, 10/16/2010

Dana Point, CA - 2010
Click again for some real
neat pictures by the ocean.



Winter Nationals at Buffalo Bills, Prim, Nevada, 12/2-12/6, 2009


From the staging area you can see the Buffalo Bills Giant Roller Coaster in the background.

There were entries from all over - 

NM, Arizona, Colorado, Montana, California, Oregon, Washington,  Indiana, Canada 

In the Boomerang Pits

Over the top

The kids could get an armband and ride on the rollercoaster or play in the arcade all day


Coming around the bend

The coaster was busy way into the night.


The track had a new plastic block fence. It moved when hit but did not need any repair like the plastic sheeting did in previous years. 


Tony Hoffman watching the races.


Kids watching the races. I think they are from Baylands.


(Can you tell who they are??)

Skyler Dale from Orange Show

From Novice to "B" in one year.

Dean Thompson coming through the corner

Right on the line -- this time

Each class was introduced before the race.

This says it all - and the heater was on!

The ladies had a nice warm tower to work in

Race Day - showing the Canadian Flag

Spectators at the end of the track

More spectators along the sides

It was cold!!      Are 3 heaters enough??  



Dean Thompson at OSQMRA, 5/16/09

World's fastest Jr Stock,  5:19


Fast Times at OSQMRA, 5/16/09

Jr Novice, Sr Stock, Jr Stock, Jr Honda, Sr Honda


Carlo Pogetto Memorial Race - PVQMRA - 2/25/07

After 50 years of racing, PVQMRA held its final race. Carlo Pogetto was responsible for getting this track going over 50 years ago and it was only fitting that the last race would be the Carlo Pogetto Memorial race. The Pomona Police Officers Association put on the Memorial ceremony and even Mrs Pogetto was in attendance. 

PVQMRA has a notable history but was best known as the 
World's Fastest Quarter Midget Track 

The Honor Gaurd standing by the Carlo Pogetto Memorial rock which was installed when Carlo Pogetto was killed in the line of duty.

Singing the National Anthem

Placing of the wreath in the cente of the track in honor of Carlo Pogetto. Following the placement of the wreath, the bagpipe player played several unforgettable melodies --  

Following the wreath ceremony, the police drove two of their cars down the center of the track

All the drivers in attendance gathered in the center of the track for one last picture. 
Notice the brick start/finish line. 

TThe Last Pretty Car Show

And the winner is - Anthony Soto


Cars on Show at the Pogetto Memorial Race

Rick Williams had his other car on show

A local driver moves on up to Midgets

Ron Williams - moving 3 cars at a time

Loaded  up and ready to go racing


PVQMRA moves to a new location 

Moving day has finally come. Everything is being moved to the Orange Show Fairgrounds in San Bernardino. The club has been renamed Orange Show QMRA and will race in the infield of the big track on brand new asphalt. 

All that will be left here at Pomona are the memories and the World Track Records -

And no one can take those away!!

Running a ramp up the tower stairs to bring down all the tower equipment and chairs

Two huge dumpsters were brought in -
one for added storage and one for trash

The track has a huge long storage bin on the property - this is being loaded with all the track equipment, snack bar machines, etc. It will then be loaded onto a truck and hauled to its new place at the Orange Show Fairgrounds. 

The Flag Stand was cut from its anchor posts and is also going to the new track
The club has purchased new plastic fencing which will be used at the Orange Show.

Even, the Start/Finish line bricks were dug up and they will be used at a new track when one is actually built. You can see the bricks as they looked in the Memorial Service above. 



Buffalo Bill's, StateLine -- Dec 1-4, 2005

There was over 400 cars and only 
3 min to practice on a cold track

TThe Tower was enclosed and heated!
The sun was shining but it was cold!!

The Grandstands were new this year.
The program went smoothly and everyone was inside by 7:00 PM

We were there - were you?
Out in the middle of the desert -
there was lots of room


Western Nationals, July 1-9, 2005
Alpenrose Dairy - Portland

QMA 2005 Western Grands
Painted right on the grass

Region Parade with Dancing Girls
The girls put on a great show

There is a small ghost town behind the track that is open on Sundays - Here, you can see the back side of the Opera House
 (the tall building)

Custom Suites with grass floors
The bleachers are built right into the ground
Good seating all around the track on top

Snack Bar on the top side

This is one of three baseball diamonds
on the Dairy grounds 

Ready to Race and a view too!
Did your Grands have pits like this??

This is the view from the big rig shown at left. 
A bicycle race track on the Dairy grounds

Quarter Midget Pictures & Videos 


Portland Grands
Madera Monza

Johnny Pratt is an old time 1/4 midget racer so check out their website and see what they can do for you 
  (just click on the name).

---Our Services---

VIDEO Total and complete video taping on site of all events requested by our clients. We try to capture all activities and highlights. Video taping is done by single camera in most cases.. ! Multiple cameras are used in some cases depending on the event scheduled by the Client.Complete editing, sound overlaying, music and sound sampling, Custom graphiX, Insertion of stills, Many options are available to individualize each and every DVD...

We do complete transfer of video tape to DVD... Including and not limited to..VHS...HqVHS...BETA
    All analog transfers are put to digital quality.

                And many other services --- 


The Records Keep falling at the 
World's Fastest 1/4 Midget Track
Pomona Valley QMRA -- California

Matt Wright - World's Fastest Lt "B"
5.1624   (5/14/05)
Power by "Ziggy"

Michael Lewis
World's Fastest Sr Honda
5.73   (6/18/05)

JJ Hughes

"Ernie Bose" Record -- 5.2849
Jay Gradia Memorial -- 6.0454 (5/28/05)
Madera, California --  5.7409 (10/29/05)  

Devan Illingworth
World's Fastest Jr Honda -- 6:1657   (5/15/05)


II wanted to thank you for building an awesome quarter midget.
We drove to the track in Austin , TX and my son Brandon smoked the tires off his Boomerang race car.
Thanks again for a safe and well manufactured race car. 
          Jorge and Brandon Diaz. Rockwall, Texas


Jordan Tygh - Sr Novice Record
Jay Gradia Memorial -- 6.8708


All the drivers pose with Rene Hendrick at the 
Kara Hendrick race at Pomona, CA 10/16/04






Brittney Inglis receives Pretty Car Award
from Rene Hendrick

  Travis Field 
  - 2004 GRANDS Fast Time Lt 160
     - 2004 GRANDS Main Event winner



Hi, my name is Alex Reinsmith. I'm 10 years old and this is my first year racing a quarter midget.My dad bought me a Boomerang race car this past year and I love it.It is a very good handling car,I have won three features at Blue Mountain QMRA with it and looking for more .   
                           Thank's to Boomerang ,  Alex

Sacramento Grands - July 17-24, 2004 

All new tower and hot chute

The covered hot chute helped a bit in the heat. 

Jim Fiser was checking the cars 

Brittney Inglis & Family
 Heavy Honda World Record -- 6.1179

Anthony Hoffman & family -- 16th Birthday!
Heavy "B" World Record --- 5.4950

Irwindale Twin 25's - Mar 26-27, 2004
This was the second year -- 78 cars participated

Classic car show at Twin 25's
This show was right beside the 1/4 midget track 

Matt Wright with Mopar Twins

Matt ---  let's  go race

Nick Rossi from Phoenix

Brittney Inglis & family - we are ready!



Buffalo Bill's, 2003 -- 402 entries
One driver set a new track record for riding the 
roller coaster 46 consecutive times -- What a ride!! 

Racing was quick and fast
Just line up and GO!!
And the weather co-operated too - 

Molly Putnam - at Buffalo Bill's, Stateline, Nevada
taking the checker flag!! 

Brooke Gardner at Buffalo Bill's -- 
won the heat race

Travis Fields - Honda Lt 160
California Monza Champion 2003

Tyler Williams  - Jr Stock
Fast Time & West Coast Grands Champion
California Monza Champion 2003



Monroe, Washington - 2004 Dirt Series
Skyler & Handler - Steve Jennings

Skyler Jennings - Sr Honda Winner on Dirt   Matt  Stone -- Open Class Winner on Dirt 


Garrett Gardner -- 
3 in a row --  Senior Honda A main wins. 
Washington Quarter Midgets

This picture is of Garrett and Brooke Gardner, at our last Washington Quarter Midget Assoc. club race Sept. 7th 2003. Garrett qualified with fast time in LT160 and Senior Honda and a win in Senior Honda. Brooke had 2nd fast time in Senior Honda behind Garrett. All three in Boomerang Cars. Also Rachael Van Kopp had 4th fastest in Senior Honda with her Boomerang. 
Thanks for the fast cars.


Mini Indy Grands - 2003 - there were over 1000 cars

Anthony Hoffman with new Boomerang cars

Tyler Williams at Mini-Indy

Michael Lewis at Mini-Indy

Angela Jennings at Mini-Indy

Opening ceremonies -- Regional Parade

Region 11 -- Pomona Valley

Let the balloons fly --- 

Tony with the National Anthem singer 



Western Grand Nationals - 2003 - Graham, Washington

Welcome to Little Wheels

Land of the Free - Because of the Brave

Opening Ceremonies and all the Kids

The Carlsons -- ready to go 



Irwindale - Twin 25's - April 26, 2003

Pomona Valley Quarter Midget club setup the track in the Irwindale parking lot early Friday morning
It looks stormy but race day on Saturday was beautiful

Steve Lewis of Lewis Racing setup and sponsored the
Twin 25's and got the OK to setup the 1/4 midget track
next to the big track so the kids could race too.
Here is Michael Lewis ready to go in a smaller version
of the big #9 Full size midgets

Sr Honda Race - single file and ready to go!! 

Hvy 160's lining up for their race 

Michael Lewis on the track --- racing Sr Honda

The Boomerang Kids & the MOPAR 25 Twins

The Mopar Twins with Devan & Shawn Illingworth

The Mopar Twins with --- 

Racing with Michael Lewis at PIR - Copper Classic - 

While the big cars raced on the big track the 1/4 midgets 
raced just behind the grandstands.
Here is Michael Lewis racing in Novice - won the Main Event

Michael, Steve and Loretta Lewis
Getting ready to go on the track


Ernie Bose World's Record Race
April 11-13, 2003

Anthony Hoffman
Hvy "B" Record --- 5:58

Tyler Williams
Jr. Stock Record --- 5:80

Sean Murphy
World's Fastest Lt "AA"  5:12 Oct 19, 2002

Boomerang Sprint 2003
Put your driver in one today!!


Going for the Win !! 

Jr Stock Main Event at State Line, Nevada 12/8/02

Angela Jennings - Sr. Honda - taking the win
Seattle, Washington -- 6/2/02

First Race -- First Place

Matt Stone - Hvy 160
Seattle, Washington -- 6/1/02

Nick Carlson, Sr. Honda Fast Time -- 6:03
Main Event Winner
Pomona Valley, California -- 8/31/02

Jarret Dahms, Jr Honda winner 
  New Smyrna, Florida

Jacklyn Harris, Sr. Honda winner
Austin, Texas

Jacklyn Harris, Fast Time & Overall Point Winner
San Antonio, Texas

Luke Blose, Feature Winner
Blue Mountain, Pennsylvania

Kevin Bult, on the dirt track at Blue Mountain

Rowdy McClenon - PVQMRA
Jr. Novice Track Record - 6.6985

Running Dirt with a Wing

Garrett Gardner -- Age 10
ONE TWO THREE RACING -- Monroe, Washington

Send us a picture of your driver !!



Racing at Pocono with Bobby & Tyler Labonte

Bobby, Tyler & Tire Specialist

Ready to Go

On the track 

Coming round the corner

Bobby took time off from racing on the big track at Pocono to come and race with his boy, Tyler, on the smaller Quarter Midget track on Saturday May 8th, 2002.. This track, run by the Lehigh Valley club, is located in one corner of the Pocono track property and is "D" shaped just like the big track 
The Nascar race on the big track was run the next day on Sunday, May 9th, 2002.



Sean Murphy in New Lt "AA" car


Shawn Illingworth
Jr. Novice World Record -- 6.98

Shawn & Devon Illingworth
1st & 2nd Place Jr. Novice

Looking good in the Pits

Mel Gardiner, Tony Hoffman, Bus Martin
Racing buddies from way back when





Pomona Valley QMRA -- Home of the 
 Ernie Bose World Record Race



Turkey Race at Pomona Valley, California
Nov. 22, 2001


Buffalo Bill's at Stateline, Nevada, 
December 7,8,9, 2001



Awards Banquet at Pomona Valley

And the kids were jumping and climbing -- great fun for all 

Jennifer -- says Hi!

Andrew - one more bite will do it --




The track at Oaklane, Pennsylvania

For some great pictures at Oaklane & area -- click here


Madera, California


Angela Jennings  
Fast Time - Sr. Honda - 6:47

For more pictures on the Madera Grands - click here



World's Fastest Track

Pomona Valley, California
Ernie Bose World Record Race -- April 20-22, 2001

World's Fastest Cars

Anthony Hoffman, Sr Honda -- 6:21
Sr Honda Main Event Winner

Aaron Schankerman, Hvy 160 -- 5:92
Hvy 160 Main Event Winner

Brandon Ash, Jr Novice Main Event

The Mountain Dew Car



Kyle Shipley being interviewed by Shandee Mills
of Colorado at Portland, Oregon
Shandee is a new JR Reporter for Coast 2 Coast

Opening Ceremony, Portland - All regions Flag Parade




South Mountain Track
Phoenix, Arizona

And the Pits are busy -- Up Top
overlooking the race track

Serving Turkey Dinner
And it was enjoyed by all!

Thunder on the Mountain

This was a big race held at the South Mountain Track in Phoenix, Arizona on Thanksgiving Weekend, Nov. 24-27, 1999

They had over 180 entries making the biggest race yet

A great race and a lot of fun!



Las Vegas, Nevada - 1999

On the track at the Showboat Hotel -- Dec. 9-12,1999

The weather was cold and blowing on Sat. but race day on Sunday was great.



Arron Schankerman- Pomona, California
Hvy 160 Driver

Kyle Shipley - Phoenix, Arizona
Fast Lt."AA" Driver


Pomona Valley Raceway
Ernie Bose World Record Race
4/14-16, 2000

All new records were set on an all new track.
Both corners were completely redone and come qualifying the track was fast.
The new Lt. AA record was set at a 5.27


Joe Galante Memorial Race, Madera March 18-19 , 2000

Candy Purple frames with Purple bodies

Robbie Smith
Heavy Stock and Mod Driver


Braden Kamigawachi
Lt. 160 Driver



      Hi, My name is Kurt Smith. This is my second year racing. I received my new   Boomerang two day's before our first race of the season. With no practice with my new car I won my heat and got third in the feature. I've done good with the car. It handles good and it's fast.

        Class Heavy 160                     Thanks,
                                                        Kurt Smith
                                                        Oswego County Quarter Midge
t Club


West Coast Grand Nationals, Portland, Oregon

Quarter Midgets

Boomerang in Yellow -- at Portland